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Volunteer 義工




This week ETA is featuring our amazing volunteer, David Chi!

David has been in Edmonton for more than 25 years, and his journey with ETA began when he came with his parents to settle down here. As David established his own family, he has brought his kids to be part of this caring and welcoming ETA community!



“在還沒加入同鄉會前,參加過幾次Heritage Festival 的義工,雖然只有短短幾天,但是認識了很多新朋友,也在活動中留下難忘的回憶,2020很遺憾的因為疫情無法舉辦Heritage Festival,但是之後有機會的話,推薦大家一起報名義工來體驗!”

ETA invites Peggy to share her volunteering experience.

VOLUNTEER - Isabel Cheuh


ETA has the honor of featuring Isabel Cheuh on our Facebook page, and she is one of our very supportive and valuable members. Isabel came to Edmonton in 2018 and has connected with ETA since then to create her very own special journey. Isabel strongly feels that ETA is a tightly-knit community where both old and new members look after each other, and many volunteers work hard to take care of anyone who needs support.




We introduce you an awesome ETA volunteer,Rob Kilarski and let's watch his video.

And have a look at what Rob has written below!

My journey with the ETA began a few years ago when I popped by the Taiwanese Pavilion at Heritage Days to inquire how my Taiwanese wife (Diane) and I could become part of the local Taiwanese community in Edmonton. Since then, I have joined in a few ETA volunteer activities including mask making to donate to the Food Bank during the Pandemic and hawking Taiwanese night market games (pinball) at Heritage Days. Check out my video above for more details. Volunteering with the ETA is a fantastic way to meet and support like-minded Edmontonians who want to spread the word about this hidden gem of a country – Taiwan!


Volunteering for the Edmonton Taiwanese Association is not only one of the best ways to learn about the Taiwanese community, but it's also a great way to connect with others, build experiences, and grow as an individual, all while having fun!!!



We are always planning new events, creating and running activities, and initiatives to support your community!



Be a part of an engaging community and build new relationships while having fun!!

Volunteer testimonials



From Previous Board Members

Frankie Li


I decided to have a fresh start and immigrate to Canada in 2014. The first year I lived in Edmonton, I was introduced to ETA President, Steve Tseng and his wife, Megan. They gave me a valuable opportunity to join the ETA board as secretary and treasurer in 2018 and 2019. I made so many friends who came from different cities in Taiwan.


在此期間更是參與了許多活動夏季烤肉、中秋團圓、Heritage 運輸組長、北美台灣傳統週、及春節晚宴...與眾多義工一起打拼。大家有志一同將所有活動辦的盡善盡美,宣傳台灣文化及美食。我非常享受和大家聚在一起分享生活點滴,在異鄉聽到熟悉的口音及語言..真的是備感溫馨。你生活在愛城嗎?你熱切的想分享推廣台灣文化嗎?你...還沒參加過愛城台灣同鄉會嗎?歡迎加入我們的大家庭, 讓更多人知道台灣!

In that period of time, I volunteered my time to many events such as the Summer BBBQ, Moon Cake Festival , Heritage Festival, Taiwanese American Heritage Week, and Lantern Celebration Party. All board members and volunteers worked as a power team to promote Taiwanese  traditional culture and street foods. That was a great time to get together speaking our own language and sharing personal life experience. Do you live in Edmonton? Are you eager to promote our home country TAIWAN. Have you attended ETA’s events yet? Join the Edmonton Taiwanese Association and get more and more people to know Taiwan!


Steve Tseng


Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost 15 years of being a continuously active member of the Edmonton Taiwanese Association! Furthermore, I had an extremely honorable opportunity to serve on the Board of ETA in the past few years. I enjoy being a Taiwanese Canadian in Edmonton and acting as a bridge; connecting with bilingual cultures, promoting trading and exhibition, and always being passionate to share. Canada and Taiwan have many similarities in social welfare systems, and both produce hi-tech as well as industrial products. As a Taiwanese businessman here in Edmonton, I take pride that both countries lead in technology and individual advantage among others.


ETA is a young community and a very energized group of Taiwanese people in Edmonton. All members are very active in engaging with their community, providing services, and hosting numerous events in our city. For the past 40 years, ETA’s most important undertaking has been planning and hosting our most valuable event: the Taiwanese Pavilion at the Edmonton Heritage Days Festival. Our presence there creates a platform for the local community to learn about, understand, and experience our cultures and food. And, just as importantly, the Taiwanese Pavilion serves to keep our heritage or traditions alive for the Taiwanese people living here in Alberta helping to blend our history into a beautiful multi-cultural Taiwanese-Canadian family.


Thanks to all members and friends for their efforts and support in making our community a better place to feel at home while living here. Because of ETA, Taiwanese Edmontonians can be proud to say: I am Taiwanese living in Edmonton and I believe “sharing is caring”.



Pat Chen

當義工是件很愉悅的事, 尤其是在同鄉會當義工. 兩次義工的經驗都是在夏天的文化節, 第一次是協助販售茶葉、布袋戲玩偶、以及介紹如何打彈珠, 第二次是協助舞台表演活動, 三太子是當天的大紅人, 不少人排隊拍照. 很鼓勵大家在閒暇之餘, 來同鄉會當義工, 不僅讓當地的人們認識台灣, 介紹台灣文化, 也可以結交同在異鄉的台灣朋友, 小小的付出對同鄉會可是大大的幫助, 大家一起來當義工唷!

Being a volunteer is great, especially when you are a volunteer for the Edmonton Taiwanese Association. My past experiences being a volunteer with ETA were at Heritage Days and the Summer Cultural Festival. The first time was to help sell tea leaves and puppets and to introduce people on how to play marbles. The second time was to assist in the stage performances. The third, prince (San-Tai-Zi) was a big HIT that day, and many people lined up to take pictures with him. 


I would like to encourage everyone to join the volunteer team with ETA! Not only to introduce Taiwan to local Edmontonians but also to share our Taiwanese culture with them. You can make a lot of Taiwanese friends in your area too! Your small contribution would be a great help to our organization. 


Please volunteer with the ETA today! Everyone is more than welcome to join us!

Jane Siu



It's a great opportunity gathering with the folks and contributing to the community. I never knew we had so many immigrants coming from different countries in this city, I never tasted so many different cuisines in one day, and I never had the chance to introduce my culture and favorite food to all these people. I'll definitely join this event again.


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版權為愛城台灣同鄉會所有 © 2021 by Edmonton Taiwanese Association. All rights reserved.

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