自2024年12月1日起 至 2025年2月28日止
若您是新會員,請先在選擇會員種類後點選"Sign Up"申請加入成為網站會員,同鄉會工作人員會先確認您的資料,並且經過兩位會員推薦後,核准您的網站會員資格,接著您可以在收到核准確認信後,回到此網頁登入直接線上透過信用卡付款,或是按照本網頁下方e-transfer的方式付會費。
If you are a new member, please sign up after you select membership type below to become a site member first. We will review your application and eligibility and check your references from two ETA members. Once you received the confirmation email and approved to become a site member, you can then come back to this page and proceed with membership payment online through credit card. Alternatively, you can also follow the instruction below to make an e-transfer payment.
If you encounter any issue, please feel free to contact us.
Membership is valid from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year. The membership is not transferable. If you wish to join ETA or renew your membership for 2025, please complete your application and pay your membership fee by February 28, 2025. As an individual plan member or a family plan member, you have voting privilege and are eligible to join the board to serve the community.
選擇會員種類 Choose your membership type
2025 個人會員(一年份)| Individual Plan (1 year)
30$Valid for one year2025 家庭會員(一年份)| Family Plan (1 year)
50$家庭:最多2大人+未婚且未滿25歲第二代 Family: Max. 2 Adults + Children under 25 years old and unmarriedValid for one year2025 Community Ally 社區夥伴
60$Suitable for for our non-Taiwanese allies who support our initiatives.Valid for 12 months
I am going to use e-Transfer to pay for my membership fee.
1. Go on the ETA website to sign up and enter your member info
2. Send the e-Transfer to Finance@edmontontaiwan.com
3. Email Finance@edmontontaiwan.com and inform us that you paid the member fee. In the email, include:
- Member’s email address
- Member’s full name
- - What type of member plan you paid for.
我要使用 e-Transfer 電子匯款繳會費
1. 至ETA官方網站線上填寫會員資料.
2. 匯款至帳號:Finance@edmontontaiwan.com
3. 請email到 Finance@edmontontaiwan.com ,通知我們你已繳費。
- 會員email電子信箱地址
- 會員全名
- 繳費會員類型
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