
Team Efforts
Bring Greater Outcomes!

何 薇 會長
Wilma Ho President
Edmonton Taiwanese Association
回想剛接任會長處在疫情期間,我們除了利用網路開會並成功舉辦新春線上團拜與各類講座!在疫情趨緩後,積極規劃執行實體活動包括夏日戶外燒烤、冬季溜冰運動、參觀烏克蘭村與秋天愛城河谷騎腳踏車健行健行,春秋兩季舞蹈工作坊,繪畫之午,落磯山美食與美酒,年度會員大會暨聖誕聯歡午宴…等,通過不同形式的活動,提供不同年齡階層多種選擇。 我們參與全僑慶祝雙十晚宴與友好社團建立連結,更應邀出席亞洲夜市活動表演英語版虎姑婆布袋戲,與帶領現場觀眾一起律動有氧舞蹈,展現台灣文化與創新活力。 此外,也應主流社團邀請烹飪台灣美食:炒米粉和鹽酥雞及製作珍珠奶茶,我們成功宣傳台灣傳統美食與多元特色文化,為國民外交盡一份心力。
台灣同鄉會年度盛事即是每年八月份民俗文化節(Heritage Festival) 台灣館參展與籌備。理事會招幕近百位義工並規劃統籌一連三天的活動實屬不易。我們通過有效的網路媒體宣傳,吸引許多年輕學子與移民新生代,看到鄉親來台灣館做義工而互相認識,結交新朋友,通過台灣館,我們凝聚了老、中、青三代人,再辛苦都是值得的!
會長:何薇 暨全體理事(2024-2025)敬致
ETA members, volunteers and families friends:
Greetings! Happy New Year!!
Two years has gone by just a blink of an eye, the Board of directors for the term has come to an end. I am grateful to have worked with many community minded members. Thanks to those who have supported the operation of ETA and those who step up to take on responsibility and carry on the mission for next term.
Looking back, we have achieved so much. I recalled in the beginning of 2023 when the Global COVID-19 pandemic was still in the way to prevent group gatherings and activities, the Board managed to utilize online tools and had virtual monthly board meetings, we successfully managed a great online celebration of Lunar New Year with ETA friends and families, we even provided online workshops and seminars! Thankfully, we were able to organize in-person activities such staking, Ukrainian village field trip, Summer BBQ, biking and walking around the river valley, both Spring and Fall Dance classes, Rocky Mountain Food and Wine, Paint workshop, Annual General Meeting & Holiday Celebration…etc and offered different age groups a variety of options. We were not only promoting our traditional Taiwanese puppet Show: Tiger Aunt in English, but also performing interactive and energetic aerobic dance with the crowd at Asian Night Market. We were proud to be invited and demonstrated Taiwanese cuisines: peppery popcorn chicken, rice noodles and boba milk tea to our Canadian friends. It’s such a great opportunity to showcase the uniqueness of Taiwanese cultures.
Organized Taiwan Pavilion during the annual Heritage Festival in August has always been a challenge as it’s not an easy task to recruit hundred of volunteers and schedule them during 3 days of festival. However, we overcame many obstacles with great enthusiasm and planning, utilizing technology and social media to attract the youngsters. It’s the most important ETA event because it is such great way to connect all three generations of our community members. We will continue to participate and seek for improvements to run Taiwan pavilion, as well as other programs and activities throughout the year because the new Board members for upcoming two-year-term of 2024-2025 are committed to serve with their talents as a strong team. Let’s work together to bridge people in our community and make both Taiwan and Canada are our hometown where we feel connected as a family.
Lastly, I wish each one of you and your loved ones good health and happiness.
Sincerely Yours,
Wilma Ho
President on behalf of the Board of Directors 2024-2025
